Lumivero Grant for Early Career Researchers
Opens Mar 14 2024 09:00 (EDT)
Deadline Jul 31 2024 23:59 (EDT)

Read Guidelines and Eligibility Requirements below before applying!!

To submit a proposal, you will need to register on this platform first. When you click the APPLY button to the right, you will be asked to provide a title for your submission, and then you will be asked to create an account (if you do not already have one). Once you create an account, you can log in to apply and view the progress of your application. If you already have an account because you have applied for our grant previously or have applied to present at one of our past conferences, you just need to log in.

Often the most innovative research comes from those just starting their careers. As such, Lumivero is thrilled to be supporting the next generation of researchers working to make a positive impact on our world. 

The Lumivero Research Grant for Early Career Researchers

The Grant will award $20,000 USD in funding over two years to an early career researcher making a positive impact in the world with a research project that uses NVivo, Citavi, or XLSTAT, shows promise and a contribution to knowledge, and a commitment to our theme: Research Excellence that Impacts Our World.

2024 Theme: Research Excellence that Impacts Our World  Whether it is research to support people and communities or to save our environment, Lumivero’s research tools empower researchers to make a positive impact in our world. In 2024, we will award our grant to a researcher who shares Lumivero’s commitment to improving the world through research excellence.

Eligible Applicants

Scholars in the disciplines of social sciences, health, education, social work, business/management, or life sciences who have been awarded a PhD in 2016-2023 and have an appointment at an institution of higher education and research are eligible to apply. The grant of $20,000 USD is intended to provide either partial relief from teaching duties and associated academic administration for a term/semester and/or research expenses over a two-year period. 

To be eligible to apply, you must have: 

Been awarded your doctorate from 2016 up to and including 2023;An academic appointment at an institution of higher education; if you do not have a permanent contract, your contract should cover the duration of the project (Nov. 1, 2024 – Oct. 31, 2026);A proposal for a qualitative, statistical, or mixed method research project; The support of your university’s grants administration; and, Involvement of Citavi, NVivo and NVivo Transcription, NVivo Collaboration, or XLSTAT for at least part of the data analysis in your research.



Eligible Research

Innovative research that involves the collection and analysis of qualitative and/or statistical data and shows a commitment to improving the world through research excellence is eligible for this grant. Innovation may be in new forms of data collection through innovative forms of data analysis and output. The research needs to involve the use of Citavi, NVivo and NVivo Transcription, NVivo Collaboration, or XLSTAT in at least part of the analysis. Projects can range across the breadth of the social science disciplines, health research, education, social work, business/management, life sciences and interdisciplinary research fields. 

The following are not eligible for funding: 

Expenses related to or support for conferences or travel to conferencesProjects relating to work done primarily for commercial objectives and those funded by a contracting agency (e.g., government or business) Collection or preparation of material primarily intended for personal classroom needs or teaching material Research by trainees to meet degree or course requirementsSalary or honorarium for the applicantsAny indirect costs

The Research Proposal – seven sections

The research idea (10%); Background (10%); The project description (10%); Methodology (10%); Contribution to knowledge (10%); Innovation and commitment to theme (10%); Work plan and dissemination of results plan (10%)

Important Information About Your Application

Your submitted application will be reviewed by academic evaluators who are not necessarily subject specialists. Applicants need to bear this in mind when completing their application. Applications must be in English and will be assessed based on the intended project (70%) and the applicant (30%).

Your completed application should include:

An abstract (300 words) of the research’s aims, methodology, contribution to knowledge, commitment to the 2024 theme, and value to Lumivero.A completed Research Project Proposal form (1750 words in total, not including abstract; 250 words per section). The research proposal should be double spaced (including figures, diagrams, and tables) and should contain the following sections:The research idea (10%); Background (10%); The project description (10%); Methodology (10%); Contribution to knowledge (10%); Innovation and commitment to theme (10%); Work plan and dissemination of results plan (10%)A budget with a breakdown of all costsA curriculum vitae with a complete list of publicationsLetter from the institutional official who manages grantsAn academic referenceApplications consist of the (1) Application Form (2) Research proposal (including abstract and budget), (3) Curriculum vitae, (4) Letter from the institutional official who manages grants, and (5) an academic reference.

About Your Academic Reference

The academic reference from a recognized scholar in your field of study should include:

The applicant’s status (personal academic reference)The research proposed (a brief statement of how it meets funders’ criteria)Why the research would not be funded by existing resources

Institutional approval

Applicants must confirm that their home institution is aware of their application, and should provide the contact details of the relevant administrative officer. Should your application progress, this administrative officer will be asked to confirm on behalf of your department and institution that:

If replacement costs are requested for a term, you will be in receipt of your normal salary during the tenure of the reward and the institution will provide coverIf research expenses are sought, this request has the support of the head of department.Acknowledgment that neither Lumivero nor the Early Career Research Grant will be liable (i.e. charged) for any indirect costs (overhead and handling fees) associated with the execution of the work described in the application.

Successful Candidate Requirements

Write reports every six months on progress with research (details in next section)Write two blog posts about your progress for the Lumivero websiteParticipate in two Between the Data Podcast interviews. The first interview will take place during the first year of the grant period, with the second interview taking place at the end of your researchParticipate in one Lumivero webinar, taking place one year after the grant has been awardedPresent conference papers, including the presentation of a paper at the Lumivero Virtual Conference held in September (approximate) each yearProvide a plan for the dissemination of the outcomes of the researchEnsure that all papers and presentations cite Lumivero as sponsor of the research

Reporting Requirements 

The successful applicant must submit a brief report (maximum 2 pages) every 6 months throughout the award term. The report should indicate what work was accomplished as a result of the award, when it was accomplished, and what publications/performances/exhibitions were completed or are expected as a result of that work. The report should also outline the progress of the project to which the funding was granted and confirm the purposes for which the funds were used. Failure to submit biannual reports may result in withdrawal of support from Lumivero. 

The successful applicant must submit a brief final report (maximum 4 pages) within 3 months following completion of the award to The report must indicate the value of this award, trainee involvement (if applicable), and what publications/performances/exhibitions were completed or are expected as a result of that work. The report must also outline the progress of the project to which the funding was granted and confirm the purposes for which the funds were used. 

Second tier awards

There may be a few applications which are strong contenders but not the main grant recipient. They will not receive a cash prize, but instead receive goods in kind which may be free transcription hours or software.

Application Deadline

Applications will be accepted from March 14, 2024 through July 31, 2024. Submissions must be in by 11:59 p.m. EDT on July 31, 2024. 

Proposals will be reviewed and assessed by an academic committee appointed by Lumivero. We will be matching reviewers to applications as much as we can according to discipline and methods. The committee will be looking for the following:  

A clearly stated and realistic research idea and budget. An appropriate relevant review of the literature supporting the significance of the research proposal. A research design that is appropriate for the stated aims. A detailed realistic plan for data collection and analysis. The kinds of output planned for the research results. Extra points will be awarded if the proposal demonstrates a commitment to improving our world through research excellence, or if the proposal is innovative in terms of any of the following – the subject of research, the research design, the data collection method, the analysis process or the output.

Successful applicant(s) will be notified by Oct. 31, 2024.

To submit a proposal, you will need to register on this platform first. When you click the APPLY button to the right, you will be asked to provide a title for your submission, and then you will be asked to create an account (if you do not already have one). Once you create an account, you can log in to apply and view the progress of your application. If you already have an account because you have applied for our grant previously or have applied to present at one of our past conferences, you just need to log in.

Lumivero Grant for Early Career Researchers

Read Guidelines and Eligibility Requirements below before applying!!

To submit a proposal, you will need to register on this platform first. When you click the APPLY button to the right, you will be asked to provide a title for your submission, and then you will be asked to create an account (if you do not already have one). Once you create an account, you can log in to apply and view the progress of your application. If you already have an account because you have applied for our grant previously or have applied to present at one of our past conferences, you just need to log in.

Often the most innovative research comes from those just starting their careers. As such, Lumivero is thrilled to be supporting the next generation of researchers working to make a positive impact on our world. 

The Lumivero Research Grant for Early Career Researchers

The Grant will award $20,000 USD in funding over two years to an early career researcher making a positive impact in the world with a research project that uses NVivo, Citavi, or XLSTAT, shows promise and a contribution to knowledge, and a commitment to our theme: Research Excellence that Impacts Our World.

2024 Theme: Research Excellence that Impacts Our World  Whether it is research to support people and communities or to save our environment, Lumivero’s research tools empower researchers to make a positive impact in our world. In 2024, we will award our grant to a researcher who shares Lumivero’s commitment to improving the world through research excellence.

Eligible Applicants

Scholars in the disciplines of social sciences, health, education, social work, business/management, or life sciences who have been awarded a PhD in 2016-2023 and have an appointment at an institution of higher education and research are eligible to apply. The grant of $20,000 USD is intended to provide either partial relief from teaching duties and associated academic administration for a term/semester and/or research expenses over a two-year period. 

To be eligible to apply, you must have: 

Been awarded your doctorate from 2016 up to and including 2023;An academic appointment at an institution of higher education; if you do not have a permanent contract, your contract should cover the duration of the project (Nov. 1, 2024 – Oct. 31, 2026);A proposal for a qualitative, statistical, or mixed method research project; The support of your university’s grants administration; and, Involvement of Citavi, NVivo and NVivo Transcription, NVivo Collaboration, or XLSTAT for at least part of the data analysis in your research.



Eligible Research

Innovative research that involves the collection and analysis of qualitative and/or statistical data and shows a commitment to improving the world through research excellence is eligible for this grant. Innovation may be in new forms of data collection through innovative forms of data analysis and output. The research needs to involve the use of Citavi, NVivo and NVivo Transcription, NVivo Collaboration, or XLSTAT in at least part of the analysis. Projects can range across the breadth of the social science disciplines, health research, education, social work, business/management, life sciences and interdisciplinary research fields. 

The following are not eligible for funding: 

Expenses related to or support for conferences or travel to conferencesProjects relating to work done primarily for commercial objectives and those funded by a contracting agency (e.g., government or business) Collection or preparation of material primarily intended for personal classroom needs or teaching material Research by trainees to meet degree or course requirementsSalary or honorarium for the applicantsAny indirect costs

The Research Proposal – seven sections

The research idea (10%); Background (10%); The project description (10%); Methodology (10%); Contribution to knowledge (10%); Innovation and commitment to theme (10%); Work plan and dissemination of results plan (10%)

Important Information About Your Application

Your submitted application will be reviewed by academic evaluators who are not necessarily subject specialists. Applicants need to bear this in mind when completing their application. Applications must be in English and will be assessed based on the intended project (70%) and the applicant (30%).

Your completed application should include:

An abstract (300 words) of the research’s aims, methodology, contribution to knowledge, commitment to the 2024 theme, and value to Lumivero.A completed Research Project Proposal form (1750 words in total, not including abstract; 250 words per section). The research proposal should be double spaced (including figures, diagrams, and tables) and should contain the following sections:The research idea (10%); Background (10%); The project description (10%); Methodology (10%); Contribution to knowledge (10%); Innovation and commitment to theme (10%); Work plan and dissemination of results plan (10%)A budget with a breakdown of all costsA curriculum vitae with a complete list of publicationsLetter from the institutional official who manages grantsAn academic referenceApplications consist of the (1) Application Form (2) Research proposal (including abstract and budget), (3) Curriculum vitae, (4) Letter from the institutional official who manages grants, and (5) an academic reference.

About Your Academic Reference

The academic reference from a recognized scholar in your field of study should include:

The applicant’s status (personal academic reference)The research proposed (a brief statement of how it meets funders’ criteria)Why the research would not be funded by existing resources

Institutional approval

Applicants must confirm that their home institution is aware of their application, and should provide the contact details of the relevant administrative officer. Should your application progress, this administrative officer will be asked to confirm on behalf of your department and institution that:

If replacement costs are requested for a term, you will be in receipt of your normal salary during the tenure of the reward and the institution will provide coverIf research expenses are sought, this request has the support of the head of department.Acknowledgment that neither Lumivero nor the Early Career Research Grant will be liable (i.e. charged) for any indirect costs (overhead and handling fees) associated with the execution of the work described in the application.

Successful Candidate Requirements

Write reports every six months on progress with research (details in next section)Write two blog posts about your progress for the Lumivero websiteParticipate in two Between the Data Podcast interviews. The first interview will take place during the first year of the grant period, with the second interview taking place at the end of your researchParticipate in one Lumivero webinar, taking place one year after the grant has been awardedPresent conference papers, including the presentation of a paper at the Lumivero Virtual Conference held in September (approximate) each yearProvide a plan for the dissemination of the outcomes of the researchEnsure that all papers and presentations cite Lumivero as sponsor of the research

Reporting Requirements 

The successful applicant must submit a brief report (maximum 2 pages) every 6 months throughout the award term. The report should indicate what work was accomplished as a result of the award, when it was accomplished, and what publications/performances/exhibitions were completed or are expected as a result of that work. The report should also outline the progress of the project to which the funding was granted and confirm the purposes for which the funds were used. Failure to submit biannual reports may result in withdrawal of support from Lumivero. 

The successful applicant must submit a brief final report (maximum 4 pages) within 3 months following completion of the award to The report must indicate the value of this award, trainee involvement (if applicable), and what publications/performances/exhibitions were completed or are expected as a result of that work. The report must also outline the progress of the project to which the funding was granted and confirm the purposes for which the funds were used. 

Second tier awards

There may be a few applications which are strong contenders but not the main grant recipient. They will not receive a cash prize, but instead receive goods in kind which may be free transcription hours or software.

Application Deadline

Applications will be accepted from March 14, 2024 through July 31, 2024. Submissions must be in by 11:59 p.m. EDT on July 31, 2024. 

Proposals will be reviewed and assessed by an academic committee appointed by Lumivero. We will be matching reviewers to applications as much as we can according to discipline and methods. The committee will be looking for the following:  

A clearly stated and realistic research idea and budget. An appropriate relevant review of the literature supporting the significance of the research proposal. A research design that is appropriate for the stated aims. A detailed realistic plan for data collection and analysis. The kinds of output planned for the research results. Extra points will be awarded if the proposal demonstrates a commitment to improving our world through research excellence, or if the proposal is innovative in terms of any of the following – the subject of research, the research design, the data collection method, the analysis process or the output.

Successful applicant(s) will be notified by Oct. 31, 2024.

To submit a proposal, you will need to register on this platform first. When you click the APPLY button to the right, you will be asked to provide a title for your submission, and then you will be asked to create an account (if you do not already have one). Once you create an account, you can log in to apply and view the progress of your application. If you already have an account because you have applied for our grant previously or have applied to present at one of our past conferences, you just need to log in.



Mar 14 2024 09:00 (EDT)
Jul 31 2024 23:59 (EDT)