Lumivero Virtual Conference 2024
Opens Mar 27 2024 07:00 (EDT)
Deadline Aug 31 2024 23:00 (EDT)

To submit an abstract you will need to register on this platform first. When you select the 'Apply' button, a page will open and you will see a 'Register' button on the top right hand corner. Once you create an account you can log in to apply and view the progress of your application.

This free virtual conference is focused on bringing researchers and Lumivero software users together to learn, connect and explore new techniques for qualitative, mixed methods, and statistical data analysis, learn best practices for ensuring student success in field experience outcomes, and hear how experts in your industry are leveraging Lumivero software to drive innovation and strategy. 

The focus of the call for presentations is on powerful data analysis methods and field experience management. We welcome presentation proposals exploring, but not limited to:

  • Statistical Methods and Applications
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Mixed Methods Research
  • Risk Analysis
  • Teamwork
  • Managing Field Experience Programs
  • Accreditation in Higher Education
  • Writing and Reference Management

Presentation Abstract Selection Types

Research Presentation Abstract 

The research presentation includes a description of the research project or study with methods, data collection, analysis, and findings. If you used Lumivero software, explain how it impacted your research. For this abstract type, we will also accept papers where Lumivero software has not been used.

Lumivero Software Use Case Presentation Abstract 

The software use case demonstrates how the use of Lumivero software has impacted your research or work. The use cases can showcase an innovative use or application of Lumivero software. The presentation can be any topic that focuses on one or more of the Lumivero solutions. For this abstract type, Lumivero software must have been used or will be used.

Abstract Guidelines:

  • 250 words maximum
  • No footnotes or bibliography. 
  • Titles: Capitalize the first, last, and all major words in between (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and some conjunctions)
  • Authors/Contributors: List authors/contributors as first name, middle initial (optional), last name
  • Affiliation: include affiliation for each author – department, organization

Please note that your online submission (abstract) will be used as the text for the final program.

The application is open until August 31, 2024

To submit an abstract you will need to register on this platform first. When you select the 'Apply' button, a page will open and you will see a 'Register' button on the top right hand corner. Once you create an account you can log in to apply and view the progress of your application.

Contact if you have questions about the conference or application. 

Lumivero Virtual Conference 2024

To submit an abstract you will need to register on this platform first. When you select the 'Apply' button, a page will open and you will see a 'Register' button on the top right hand corner. Once you create an account you can log in to apply and view the progress of your application.

This free virtual conference is focused on bringing researchers and Lumivero software users together to learn, connect and explore new techniques for qualitative, mixed methods, and statistical data analysis, learn best practices for ensuring student success in field experience outcomes, and hear how experts in your industry are leveraging Lumivero software to drive innovation and strategy. 

The focus of the call for presentations is on powerful data analysis methods and field experience management. We welcome presentation proposals exploring, but not limited to:

  • Statistical Methods and Applications
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Mixed Methods Research
  • Risk Analysis
  • Teamwork
  • Managing Field Experience Programs
  • Accreditation in Higher Education
  • Writing and Reference Management

Presentation Abstract Selection Types

Research Presentation Abstract 

The research presentation includes a description of the research project or study with methods, data collection, analysis, and findings. If you used Lumivero software, explain how it impacted your research. For this abstract type, we will also accept papers where Lumivero software has not been used.

Lumivero Software Use Case Presentation Abstract 

The software use case demonstrates how the use of Lumivero software has impacted your research or work. The use cases can showcase an innovative use or application of Lumivero software. The presentation can be any topic that focuses on one or more of the Lumivero solutions. For this abstract type, Lumivero software must have been used or will be used.

Abstract Guidelines:

  • 250 words maximum
  • No footnotes or bibliography. 
  • Titles: Capitalize the first, last, and all major words in between (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and some conjunctions)
  • Authors/Contributors: List authors/contributors as first name, middle initial (optional), last name
  • Affiliation: include affiliation for each author – department, organization

Please note that your online submission (abstract) will be used as the text for the final program.

The application is open until August 31, 2024

To submit an abstract you will need to register on this platform first. When you select the 'Apply' button, a page will open and you will see a 'Register' button on the top right hand corner. Once you create an account you can log in to apply and view the progress of your application.

Contact if you have questions about the conference or application. 

Mar 27 2024 07:00 (EDT)
Aug 31 2024 23:00 (EDT)

Lumivero Virtual Conference 2024